
GL.Shaders.create(spec) allows to create shaders that can be used later in GL.Node component.

Example usage:

var shaders = GL.Shaders.create({
  myEffect: {
    frag: `
void main () {
  gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // red

// Use it later:
<GL.Node shader={shaders.myEffect} ... />

GL.Shaders.create is inspired from ReactNative's StyleSheet.create: it creates an object with key-value and will returns an object with the same keys and where the values can be used in the Virtual DOM.

The value of each Shader is an object with a frag field: the fragment GLSL code.

Shaders compilation callback


By default, GL.Shaders.create will console.error each shader that fails. If you want to override this and hook to shader compilation status, you can provide a second parameter to create that will be called once with 2 parameters: errors and results. errors is null if all shaders are successful or an object describing the errors per shader. results is an object containing the shader types information per shader.

Shaders factorization and garbage collection

gl-react factorizes duplicated shaders: when you define a shader, if it already exists the existed one is used to improve performance and memory. It also counts shaders reference and garbage collects them when not anymore used (in a debounced way). This only occurs when you use inline shaders, it is not possible to destroy shaders created with Shaders.create.

About Shaders

There are two kinds of OpenGL Shaders: vertex and fragment shaders. The vertex shader iterates over polygons and computes pixel positions, the fragment shaders iterates over pixels and computes a color.

In current version of gl-react-dom and gl-react-native, the vertex shader is implemented for you and you only have to implement the fragment shader.

This documentation assumes you know the basics of GLSL, the OpenGL Shading Language, if not, feel free to learn shader-school, read the specification or learn from the examples.