Hue Rotate on Text+Image

gl-react-dom not only allows to add effects on top of images but also on top of any content. This example shows the Hue rotation effect on top of texts and image.

gl-react-native version:

<HueRotate hue={hue}>
  <Image style={{ width: 256, height: 244 }} source={{ uri: "" }}/>
  <Text style={styles.demoText1}>Throw me to the wolves</Text>
  <Text style={styles.demoText2}>{text}</Text>

gl-react-dom version: (using react-canvas)

<HueRotate hue={hue}>
  <ReactCanvasContentExample width={256} height={180} text={text} />
  <CanvasSurface width={256} height={180} top={0} left={0}>
    <Image src="" style={{ width: 256, height: 244, top: 0, left: 0 }} />
    <Text style={styles.demospan1}>Throw me to the wolves</Text>
    <Text style={styles.demospan2}>and I will return</Text>
    <Text style={styles.demospan3}>{text}</Text>


const GL = require("gl-react");
const React = require("react");

const shaders = GL.Shaders.create({
  hueRotate: {
    frag: `
precision highp float;
varying vec2 uv;
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform float hue;

const mat3 rgb2yiq = mat3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114, 0.595716, -0.274453, -0.321263, 0.211456, -0.522591, 0.311135);
const mat3 yiq2rgb = mat3(1.0, 0.9563, 0.6210, 1.0, -0.2721, -0.6474, 1.0, -1.1070, 1.7046);

void main() {
  vec3 yColor = rgb2yiq * texture2D(tex, uv).rgb;
  float originalHue = atan(yColor.b, yColor.g);
  float finalHue = originalHue + hue;
  float chroma = sqrt(yColor.b*yColor.b+yColor.g*yColor.g);
  vec3 yFinalColor = vec3(yColor.r, chroma * cos(finalHue), chroma * sin(finalHue));
  gl_FragColor = vec4(yiq2rgb*yFinalColor, 1.0);

module.exports = GL.createComponent(
  ({ hue, children }) =>
    uniforms={{ hue }}>
    <GL.Uniform name="tex">{children}</GL.Uniform>
, { displayName: "HueRotate" });

The GL.Uniform describes which texture uniform is used for the rasterization of its children content.

Note how powerful it is to compose React Components that way.

Improved version

Here is an even more concise way of writing your component.

module.exports = GL.createComponent(
  ({ hue, children: tex }) =>
    uniforms={{ hue, tex }}
, { displayName: "HueRotate" });

Remember that you can totally avoid to use GL.Uniform and give everything to uniforms props.