
Surface is a React Component that renders a GL.Node tree with OpenGL (or WebGL depending on the implementation).

It takes in children one single GL.Node OR a GL Component. You also must give width and height in props.

N.B.: Surface is currently the only object exposed by implementations (gl-react-native and gl-react-dom) as being the only component that concretely renders the graphics to a platform target. All the rest of the API is in gl-react which is platform independent.

Quick Examples:

Renders a GL.Node:

<Surface width={200} height={100}>
  <GL.Node shader={shaders.myEffect} />

Renders a GL component:

<Surface width={200} height={100}>
  <HelloGL />

Renders some more complex stack of effects:

<Surface width={200} height={100}>
  <Blur factor={2}>

Props of Surface

  • width and height (Number) (required): the size of the view.
  • pixelRatio (Number): the pixel ratio to use for the rendering. By default the screen pixel scale will be used.
  • backgroundColor (object): By default is set to black (opaque). Use "transparent" when you need opacity.
  • preload (bool): specify if the view should initially not render until all images are loaded. false by default, this behavior should be explicitly enabled.
  • onLoad (function): callback called when the view is ready (has loaded all images in case of preload).
  • onProgress (function): callback to track the progress of a loading (in case of preload). it receives {progress,loaded,total} (in React Native, this object is in {nativeEvent}).
  • autoRedraw (bool): enable the continuous rendering for dynamic content (like a <canvas/>, <video/> or any dynamic UI (e.g: a UI component in React Native context)). default is false. This is more performant that doing yourself a render() loop but don't abuse its usage: you should use it when content always changes or if you can't observe changes.
  • eventsThrough (bool): Enable that all interaction events (mouse, touch) are not intercepted by the GL view but by what's under. If visibleContent is true, the content will intercept these events. default is false.
  • visibleContent (bool): Enable the visibility of the rasterized content under the GL view. Main use-case is to allow to make that content to catch events (combined with eventsThrough), it is also possible to make your canvas transparent to see the underlying content. N.B: This feature only works with a single content. default is false.

Methods of Surface


returns a Promise of snapshot of the Surface.

config is an optional object with:

  • type: the file type default value is "png", "jpg" is also supported. Refer to implementations to see more supported values.
  • quality: a value from 0 to 1 to describe the quality of the snapshot. 0 means 0% (most compressed) and 1 means 100% (best quality).
  • format: default is "base64".

Implementation have other specific options:

  • in gl-react-native, format: "file" allows to save to a file. You also need to provide a filePath String (you should use react-native-fs to knows directory paths). The promise result will be a file://... url that you can use in <Image source= />.
  • in gl-react-dom, format: "blob" allows to get a Blob object in the resulting promise. It is recommended to use instead of base64 because it doesn't block the JavaScript thread (it uses canvas.toBlob(cb) async method). However, it is only supported by Firefox at the moment. See gl-react-dom-static-container usage if you are interested.